Back to School!
It’s time for the kids to return to school! If your child is attending our Afterschool program and will be riding the bus, please sign the bus roster located in the front office.
Move-Up Monday
Children that are promoted to the next classroom will move up Friday, August 20th. You will receive a welcome packet with your child’s new calendar the week before they move up. Feel free to ask to meet your child’s new teachers and tour their classroom anytime within the next two weeks! We want to make this transition as smooth as possible!
4K Parents
We will be holding parent orientation for our Pre-K parents on August 16th from 6:00 – 6:30pm. This will be an informative meeting that will let parents and children know what the children will learn and what will be expected of them while they are in this classroom. It is very important that at least one parent attends this meeting! The goal is to prepare them for kindergarten! We have a fun year planned for them!
Open House!
Open house will be held on September 6th from 6:00 – 6:30. We welcome all of our families to come in, talk to the teachers, and see what your child has done so far. This is a fun evening for our families and our teachers! We look forward to seeing you there!
Mr. Music Man
Mr. Music Man will be here Tuesday August 14th! This is a fun experience for all of our children! They have a great time during his concerts and it gets them up and moving! It is $5.00 for your child to participate. We are so excited to have him returning!
Annual Registration Fee
Our fall annual registration fee of $75.00 is due Friday August 31st. If you have enrolled within the past three months you will not have to remit the registration fee. There will be a $10.00 late fee for all registration fees that are unpaid.